LPPC Urges Congress to Support Public Power Communities

In a letter to Congressional leadership, the Large Public Power Council (LPPC) appealed for greater federal support as members continue to provide reliable electricity to American homes and support their communities through the pandemic.
Reliable power is now more important than ever. It’s the common thread keeping Americans connected to family, friends, and work. While LPPC members have policies and procedures in place to ensure reliable power, they now must take additional steps to protect their workforce and assets, as well as support their communities for an undetermined period of time under constantly changing and challenging circumstances.
It’s crucial that LPPC members have access to the tools, flexibility, and liquidity to meet the challenges of this unprecedented time.
Specifically, LPPC urges additional support to low-income customers, assistance to ensure the costs for keeping essential employees on the job are not borne solely by customers, updates to the tax code to ensure public power’s access to financing, and support for continued infrastructure development.
Public power plays a key role in the response to COVID-19, and LPPC strongly urges Congress to ensure that support for our members is included in any future legislation considered in response to the pandemic.